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We are a family of 10, who love God and each other with all our hearts!


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Our Brilliant Idea

This Is our dog kennel! It is very large and dirty! But filled with our four furry friends! Anyway... with your house on the market it is not what you might call attractive!
This is the back the kennel. So our brilliant idea was? Plant peas and beans on the whole thing and let the dogs be shaded and let it look better... maybe!
So here are the peas. We did the trench method from the wonderful book Square Foot Gardening. We planted sugar snap peas and waited. 
Then they grew!!! And all of a sudden Ryan, Erin, and I were out there tying string! The dogs are hungrily eyeing them and we fear for the pea pods when they come in!

These are three of our four dogs. They will seek,eat, and destroy anything!
Posted by Jessica


We are learning that many Biblical truths are worked out in the garden...like perseverance!!!  Gardening takes work and is not for the weak of heart.  So
mething is eating our peppers and eggplants; this before we even have weeds.  
Still we found Strawberries yesterday and that is such a great encouragement at the beginning of gardening season.  We can see results from something we planted and cared for during the last two years.  Now we are encouraged to keep at the work because the food out of our own garden is so much better. 

Do not grow weary, for you will reap in due time.


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