About Me

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We are a family of 10, who love God and each other with all our hearts!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Our Garden

Maggie: Isn't she SO cute?

The Dog Kennel!

The "Long Garden" (We also have the Short Garden!)

Well, it is warming up fast here and we are beginning our garden. Our potatoes are growing wonderfully, the strawberries are starting to produce, the onions keep getting taller and taller, and it won't be to long before we have blueberries!!!

We are so excited about our garden. The work is hard. The weather is hot and humid during the summer. The fire ants HURT!!! OW! But, it is very worth it to have fresh tomatoes, potatoes, and onions from the garden!

How are your gardens?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Mommy's Hero

A little man to bring joy to our day, smiles to our faces, and warmth to our hearts!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fresh Food

Fresh Fruit Straight out of the Garden!

The Red Berries are full of sweet juice, they are SO much fun to find out in the garden after weeding for a while!

And they make for great photo-ops! :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What will they remember...

When they are older,
When they have flown the nest...

What will they remember,
What will they smile over?

The work,
the Toil of Everyday Life?

The sorrows,
The Curse of Fallen Man?

What will stick out to them,
remind them,
cause them to laugh,
What will they tell their kids?

Will it be the tears,
the time you finished the mathbook,
the time all the socks in the house were put away,
The time all the tasks you had wanted done were done.

Or will it be the boring times,
the unscheduled times,
the crazy times,
The times you didn't plan for.

The times that seem unsubstantial,
there are other things to do.

The cuddles on the sofa,
the talks late at night,
the surprises,
And the walks in the afternoons.

As a mom, you want to have it together.
To keep up with the Jonses.

But, remember... what will they remember?


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