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We are a family of 10, who love God and each other with all our hearts!


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Maggie's Snake

This is Maggie!
This is the snake that Maggie found.
Erin is real excited about Maggie's snake and is instructing Rachel how to get the snake out of the tree!!
Rachel likes it!
This is it in the tree.
I (Emily) and Maggie were collecting sticks and Maggie saw the snake in a tree.

Posted By Emily!


Jenna said...

Oh, I'm going to have to show my 7 year old brother...he just LOVES snakes:)

Thanks for following my blog! Have a blessed Sunday~


p.s. You might enjoy my mom's blog...she too is a dear mother of 8! www.reganfamfarm.blogspot.com

Titus2Mom said...

We love your blog and look forward to seeing your mom's blog! Thank you!


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